We are a go for RIMRA launch this Saturday, September 9, 2017

It looks like we have a great weekend coming up as of today, so are currently* a “GO” for our Rocket launch this Saturday, September 9th, 2017. We start at 9 AM, help setting up is appreciated and we look start launching at 9:30.

We will have the Rocket Grill up and running with hot dogs and hamburgers etc.

Jason from AMW ProX will not be there so pick up what you can before hand.

The launch site is located on University of Rhode Island Property. The Launch field is located across Rt 138 from the University of Rhode Island’s Ryan Center parking lot at the end of Peckham Farm Road. STAY ON THE DIRT ROADS LEADING TO THE LAUNCH SITE and do not drive on the grass or other areas AND PLEASE DRIVE SLOW …. some of us “BARs” are slow moving and may not be able to get out of the way.

* We will update the website as to any changes in the Weather as to “GO” / “NO GO” status. We use Sunday as a rain date, but let’s keep our figures crossed for Saturday.

Load’m up!!

Spectators are welcome!

Launch information, directions, and launch holds, and weather updates can be found here among educational information, vendor links, etc.,

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