We have received permission from URI and the fire chief to launch at Peckham Farm this Saturday, 8/20. The set-up team will meet at 8:30, we will hold the flyer’s meeting at 9:30, and the first rockets should be in the air at 10:00. We will launch until we run out of propellant, which usually happens around 2:00.
The club will have some canopies and chairs, but please be prepared to be outdoors (water, sunscreen, bug spray, etc.). We will also grill burgers, hot dogs, and grilled cheese around noon.
The only extra requirement for this launch is that all flights must be in sight at all times and must land well within the boundaries of the field. This means that all flights should be limited to ~1500 ft (assuming minimal wind) unless the rocket uses dual deploy or a chute release mechanism to limit drift. Additionally, no sparky motors will be allowed due to the dry conditions.

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