It is with great sorrow that we must CANCEL this weekend’s rocket launch due to the current extreme fire hazard conditions and rain forecast predicted for Saturday afternoon.
Given the extreme fire hazard conditions, we welcome the rain, as it helps to alleviate the dry conditions. Unfortunately, it will impact our ability to host a launch this weekend.
Over the past 24 hours, two significant fires have occurred in the Exeter/West Greenwich areas of Rhode Island due to the very dry conditions. Thursday’s fire, which has consumed over 200 acres of brush and woodland areas, is still being addressed by multiple fire departments. Today’s second fire in Exeter is spreading rapidly, and is still being fought to bring under control. A photo of the Exeter fire is attached.
Based on Sunday’s forecast for rain, we are rescheduling the rain date for the launch to next Saturday, April 22nd (pending conditions for next weekend). We will update you as the week progresses as we have better knowledge of next week’s conditions.
Best regards,
Daniel DiMase, President
Rhode Island Model Rocket Association
Tel: 401-398-2343
Mobile: 401-374-1914

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