Author Archives: Brenton DeBoef
BIG BOY rocket launch, 9/28
RIMRA will be hosting a bonus launch on September 28! We will launch rockets ranging from low power to high power, but if you live in New England and you have a big ‘un in your garage, it’s time to … Continue reading
We are go for launch!
Rocket launch this Saturday (9/14) at Peckham Farm on the URI Kinston Campus. Set-up at 9:00; first launch shortly thereafter. As always, park before entering the field. If you help with set-up or tear-down, we will ferry your equipment to/from … Continue reading
Launch this Saturday! Setup at 9:00. First launch around 9:30. It looks like the weather will be great, so come ready to go!
Updates for July 20 launch
Due to the anticipated heat wave that is coming this weekend, we are making three important changes to the July 20 launch. Launch window: 9:00 am to 11:30 am. Set-up will begin ~8:00 am. Low-power and mid-power rockets only. No … Continue reading
We are GO for launch!
RIMRA will be launching at URI’s Peckham farm on Saturday, July 20. Set-up will begin at 9:00 and the first flight will be around 10:00 am. We will launch everything from 2″ Micro Maxx rockets to 7′ high power rockets, … Continue reading
Upcoming Events in July
Lots of cool events are coming up to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 lunar landing. July 8 – opening of the Museum of the Moon exhibit in downtown Providence:…/…/the-museum-of-the-moon/ July 20 – RIMRA launch at Peckham Farm … Continue reading
Launch this Saturday, June 8
RIMRA will launch from our usual site at Peckham Farm at URI on Saturday, June 8. Set up at 9:00, first flight ~10:00. If you help with set up or tear down, we can shuttle you and your supplies to … Continue reading
Tentative Summer Launch Schedule
Pencil these dates into your calendar: June 8 July 20 (50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 landing!) August 10 We are hoping to launch at URI’s Peckham Farm (our usual site) on these dates. Check back for updates.
RIMRA launch this weekend!
RIMRA will launch from Peckham Farm at URI (our usual launch site) on Saturday, May 11. Set up will begin at 9:00 am, and if you help with setup, you will be able to carpool from the parking area to … Continue reading
(Sorry I posted this to Facebook several days ago, but forgot to post here.) Unfortunately, there won’t be an April RIMRA launch. We are still working on a new launch site. We are particularly hopeful about one particular site, but … Continue reading