Category Archives: Uncategorized
We are a No-GO for this weekend’s Launch (March 11th or 12th, 2017)
Darn! I was all ready to go !!
Next Launch is Saturday March 11th, 2017
Our next Launch is scheduled for March 11, 2017. We are watching the weather and will make “GO” / “NOGO” call 24 hrs before the launch. We will use Sunday as an alternative. Based on the weather this winter it … Continue reading
Due to weather forecasted we are a no-go for this weekends February 11th 2017 launch
No RIMRA launch in January
Weather permitting next launch will be February 11th 2017
We are a go for Launch this Saturday November 12th
It looks like we have a great weekend coming up to launch rockets. Jason from AMW ProX will be there with his rocket motors, kits, etc. for sale; you can email him directly for any special needs. ( We will … Continue reading
OCTOBER SKY LAUNCH – October 8th This is going to be a big one!!!
This is a launch not to be missed!! NASA will be closing Kennedy Space Center, SPACEX has delayed all launches as everyone will be at our launch. This is Tri -launch with Central Massachusetts Spacemodeling Society (CMASS) and CATO (AKA; Carefully Arranged Tree … Continue reading
RIMRA’s Rocket launch is a go for this Saturday September the 10th!
It looks like we have a great weekend coming up to launch rockets, As soon as we get through this “Hurricane.” Jason from AMW ProX will be there with his rocket motors, kits, etc. for sale; you can email him … Continue reading
RIMRA Launch this upcoming Saturday August 13th 9am to 2pm
RIMRA’s July 9th Launch has been moved to Sunday July 10th
This is a joint Launch with CMASS (Central Massachusetts Spacemodeling Society). This will be a great launch with our friends from CMASS they know how to run a launch and this will be the 3rd joint launch with them, each one has been great! All are … Continue reading
RIMRA July 9th Launch update
Due to weather predicted for Saturday , Saturday’s launch is cancelled but we are looking to move the launch to Sunday, July 10th, pending other factors that need to align. We will make final call of go no for Sunday … Continue reading
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