Category Archives: Uncategorized
We’re on for Saturday, 9/10!
But we will need to enter the field by another method. Please see the map below. The address for the school that is near the back entrance is 3119 RT-110, West Kingston, RI. We will try to post signs to … Continue reading
It looks promising….
We are hoping to launch this Saturday, 9/10 (possible rain date on 9/11). Keep checking back for updates.
Bad news! – 8/20 launch scrubbed
The field is actually drier with more dead grass than last week. Unfortunately, we need to cancel again. If conditions improve, we will try to hold additional launches in September and October, so our members still have plenty of chances … Continue reading
EDIT: August Launch Update – 8/20 is scrubbed
We have received permission from URI and the fire chief to launch at Peckham Farm this Saturday, 8/20. The set-up team will meet at 8:30, we will hold the flyer’s meeting at 9:30, and the first rockets should be in … Continue reading
August launch postponed
Due to the drought conditions, we have decided to postpone the launch scheduled for 8/13. Keep checking the RIMRA Facebook page or website for updates. And keep building rockets! The last thing we want is for something like this to … Continue reading
We are go for launch on 7/9!
The weather looks good, and the NOTAM has been filed. We are go for launch!We will start setting up around 9:00 on Saturday, 7/9, and we will launch until we are out of rocket motors, which usually happens a little … Continue reading
Save the date!
We are planning to launch on Saturday, July 9. Keep checking back here or our Facebook page for more details.
We are go for launch on 6/11
We will start setting up around 9:00 on Saturday, and we will launch until we are out of rocket motors, which usually happens a little after lunch. Spectators are always welcome. If you haven’t been to a RIMRA launch yet, … Continue reading
June 11 Launch
The forecast for this weekend keeps looking worse every time I check it, but we’re still holding out hope for a launch on Saturday. Keep checking back to see if we are able to launch. Launch Protocol 1st Call made … Continue reading
Launch this weekend, May 14
RIMRA is planning to launch this Saturday, May 14, at Peckham Farm. We will start setting up around 9:00, and we will launch until we are out of rocket motors, which usually happens a little after lunch. Spectators are always … Continue reading