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Bad news! Launch scrubbed!
Per our launch protocols, The Rhode Island Model Rocketry Association (RIMRA) is postponing Saturday’s 10/10 rocket launch due to tomorrow’s high-wind forecast. Winds are currently forecast to be over 15 MPH at 9 AM and rising to 20 to 30 MPH in the … Continue reading
RIMRA launch this Saturday, October 10!
Set up will begin at 9:30. And we will launch until approximately noon.Same launch protocols as last month: Please sign up and tell us what you will be flying using this form:…/1sWpZdxfHaT…/You will not be able to launch without … Continue reading
Launch!!! (finally) – September 26
Set-up at Peckham Farm will begin at 9:30 (note the new time), and we will launch until shortly after lunch. Check for launch protocols. Please sign up and tell us what you will be flying using this form: … Continue reading
Bad news! Launch scrubbed!
Unfortunately there are issues with access to Peckham Farm this weekend. We have to delay the launch until September 26. Esther and I (Brenton) will launch a few low and mid-power rockets from the URI athletic fields near the Flagg … Continue reading
We are go for launch!
URI has granted us limited access to Peckham Farm for our first launch of the year on 9/12 (finally!) Set-up will begin at 9:00, and we will launch until shortly after lunch. In order to keep with social distancing policies, … Continue reading
Summer Update – still in a holding pattern
Unfortunately, URI is still limiting access to our field for the summer, but they just announced that campus will be open for in-person classes in the fall. That should allow access to Peckham farm for us too. I’ll keep working … Continue reading
CANCELLED: March 14 Launch
URI has suspended nearly all on-campus activities. Unfortunately, that includes our launch this weekend. Let’s use the time at home to build more rockets! This suspension is due to the University’s responses to the coronavirus. We should be allowed to … Continue reading
Tentative Plans
It’s time to get those winter projects in the air! We are still waiting on confirmation from URI, but tentatively plan on launching on March 14 at Peckham Farm. Weather and launch site permitting, we will launch on the second … Continue reading
Happy Holidays
From all of us at RIMRA…Happy Holidays. We hope the winter brings lots of time to build rockets. See you in the spring. If you want to launch some big rockets this winter, check out the new club that launches … Continue reading
November 9 Launch
Launch this Saturday, 11/9, at Peckham Farm. Set-up at 9:00. We’ll keep warm by burning lots of rocket motors! If temperatures continue to drop, this may be the last launch of the year. Don’t let those motors hibernate! Put them … Continue reading