Category Archives: Uncategorized
RIMRA launch this weekend!
RIMRA will launch from Peckham Farm at URI (our usual launch site) on Saturday, May 11. Set up will begin at 9:00 am, and if you help with setup, you will be able to carpool from the parking area to … Continue reading
(Sorry I posted this to Facebook several days ago, but forgot to post here.) Unfortunately, there won’t be an April RIMRA launch. We are still working on a new launch site. We are particularly hopeful about one particular site, but … Continue reading
The RIMRA meeting for tomorrow (3/9/19) has been moved from 9:30 AM to 8:30 AM. Due to the time change, Allies doughnuts and coffee will be provided. Feel free to bring “show-and-tell” items so we can see what you have … Continue reading
2019 RIMRA meeting
RIMRA will have a meeting at 9:30 8:30 on Saturday, March 9, in the Beaupre Center on URI’s Kingston Campus. The primary discussion topic will be the acquisition of a new launch site. Unfortunately, the construction for the new South … Continue reading
Happy Holidays
We at RIMRA want to wish everyone a happy holiday season and hope that you find lots of rocket-stuff under the tree. All I want for Christmas this year is better weather for launching in 2019.
Scrubbed Again!!!
Unfortunately, the field and road are too wet, and we still can’t disturb the experimental crop. We may not launch again until the spring, but if there is any weekend where we have decent weather between now and then, we’ll … Continue reading
More bad luck!
No launch this weekend. Peckham Farm has recently been planted with an experimental crop. We are looking for alternative sites to try to get one more launch in before it gets too cold.
Saturday’s Launch is scrubbed due to rain
Sunday condition will not be conducive due to ground conditions looks like Next week the 20th. If you need a fix: Providence IMAX is showing First Man October 12th. RIMRA Members and other are booking seats for the October 12th … Continue reading
LAUNCH! (It’s about time.)
The weather is looking good for the launch this Sunday (not Saturday), and it looks like we will actually have a launch crew. We will be launching from our regular field at URI’s Peckham Farm. Set up will begin … Continue reading
September launch rescheduled to 9/16
Unfortunately we have to postpone the launch that was originally scheduled for 9/8 to Sunday, 9/16. If you really need to launch this weekend, I suggest visiting our friends in southern Maine, MMMSC. They have a great launch site in … Continue reading
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