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Rained out!
//sad trombone music// Good grief! The forecast went from great to horrible for this weekend. With rain predicted both Saturday and Sunday, we have to scrub the launch. The next regularly scheduled RIMRA launch will be on September 8. See … Continue reading
RIMRA Launch on Saturday, August 11
Edit: It appears that we jinxed the weather for this month’s launch. The forecast is worsening by the day. We’ll make the official go/no-go call on Friday at 6:00. Stay tuned and keep your fingers crossed…. The weather looks great … Continue reading
Let’s Launch! This Saturday July 14th
The weather looks great for this Saturday (7/14), so let’s fly some rockets! All of the usual launch protocols apply. We will set up at 9:00 am and start launching a little after 9:30. If you help with setup, you … Continue reading
5…4…3…2…1…RIMRA launch on Saturday 6/9!
RIMRA will be launching from the field at Peckham Farm this weekend! Set up at 9:00; first flight sometime between 9:30 and 10:00. Please read the launch protocol and adhere to the field rules (e.g. park before the gate; keep … Continue reading
Bonus Launch this Weekend!!!!
Good launch days have been hard to come by this year, but the weather this weekend looks promising. So for those of us who aren’t able to attend the National Sport Launch, let’s have some fun here at home. The … Continue reading
RIMRA Saturday April 14th, 2018 Launch is a NO-GO due to weather.
Due to Sunday being Mothers Day that is not an optional Rain date. We are looking to rescheule a launch before the next scheduled launch in June.
We are Go for Launch Saturday May 12th 2018
We are a go for launch this Saturday, May 12th, 2018. It looks like we have a great weekend coming up as of today, so are currently* a “GO” for our Rocket launch We start at 9 AM, help setting … Continue reading
Great April Launch
We had a great April Launch next launch is May 13th see you all there. Great news! RIMRA has brought a trailer to store and carry all the launch equipment to the site. No more having to store equipment at … Continue reading
RIMRA Next Launch is Saturday April 14th, 2018
We are a go for launch this Saturday, April 14, 2018. It looks like we have a great weekend coming up as of today, so are currently* a “GO” for our Rocket launch We start at 9 AM, help setting … Continue reading
Keep Building!!!
The bad news: Mother nature is still not cooperating. The field is far too muddy for a launch. The good news: Maybe I’ll actually find the time to paint some rockets before they fly. So in the mean time…..tell us … Continue reading
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